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"This is a thought-out and planned vile policy." Naira Zohrabyan

Facebook post of former NA deputy Naira Zohrabyan: "There is nothing more horrible than moral collapse. When all the values distinguishing a person turn from one to nothing, they become obliteration.

Today, six years after the "revolutionary" parade, we record that in our country there is no longer an adequate debate, no profanity, no reasoned discourse, there is only boundless hatred, enmity, the base, dirty instinct to destroy each other.

All possible moral brakes are crossed, all possible red lines are erased, there is no more line beyond which at least one moral STOP works.

The last point of irreversibility of moral default is verse. When society is consistently put on the needle of hatred, enmity, blasphemy, they kill the last drop of society's resistance.

We are all in a minefield, a stalkerish dead zone of hate, hostility, devouring each other and ourselves. And this radiation wave of enmity, lies, falsehood, immorality and irresponsibility, widespread laziness and frivolity is worse than Chernobyl. There is nothing worse than moral default.

This is another minefield that we're all going to explode.

Today, a large part of the society, which represents the terrorist sect "Nicolism", is sublimated by spewing curses and hatred. And this disgusting anthropological species is increasing more and more. Unfortunately.

The Pavlovian instinct is definitely at work in this species. They don't read text. Intellectual thought, speech, is for them equivalent to the cuneiform writings of the ancient Sumerians. The rational mind is their class enemy. This is bad, very bad, because the first stone of defeat in the outer world is laid at the very moment when there is a hunt for enemies within you and an eternal search for the enemy.

I do not believe in the moral inhibitions of evil and unloved women, men suffering from the Oedipus complex. They have no brakes, the normal biosphere for them is garbage, the social sewer.

In another environment, they will suffocate like a toad out of water.

And the most amazing thing is that this is a thought and planned vile policy with the matrix of reversing Darwin's theory of evolution and turning man into a hideous and controllable animal instead of a monkey.

Gorky's "Dedication" is no longer a reality."

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