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"People". Armenian brand TV was not produced. Pashinyan lied. part 195

"Zhoghovurd" daily writes: "In 2018, during the pre-election rally in Vanadzor, Nikol Pashinyan announced that "in December, the first factory in the history of newly independent Armenia will be opened, which will produce household appliances, that is, for example, an Armenian brand of television."

However, this promise actually fell through. 05.12.2018 The government released a message that Nikol Pashinyan was present at the opening of the IMG Group CJSC household appliances manufacturing plant in the Merdzavan community of Armavir marz. It is an Armenian-Lebanese-Syrian joint investment project. Nikol Pashinyan toured the territory of the factory, got acquainted with the installed equipment, working conditions and programs. Initial capital investment and operating costs were reported to be $4.5 million.

At the initial stage, the factory will have 70-80 jobs and annually produce 126,000 units of household appliances: TV, washing machine, air conditioner, refrigerator and appliances. It is planned that the factory will serve not only Armenia, but also the countries of the region and the CIS. Nikol Pashinyan emphasized the establishment of a factory for the production of household appliances in Armenia and noted that the government will continue to support the implementation of investment projects in various branches of the Armenian economy.

The management of the "IMZ Group" company also announced that the TVs produced by the company are already available on the market, which are currently presented in the "Eldorado" chain of electrical appliances stores. After the publication, the journalist of the "Fact Checking Platform" visited the premises of the factory, but was unable to meet with the management, visited the chain of "Eldorado" electrical engineering stores and found out that there are no Armenian-made televisions.

Tigran Khachatryan, Minister of Economic Development and Investments of the RA Government, on 23.05.2019 announced at the meeting that the work at the household appliance manufacturing company has already started this week. He referred to the news that the factory is not working. He said: "Right now there are 15 people assembling TVs. I was invited, I said that I will not go until 70 people are working there at the same time. This is in jest, of course, but in the next weeks, when the parts for the washing machines and the rest of the equipment, which are on their way, and 70 people will be at work, I will go there and there will be wide public coverage. At the moment, the necessary parts for 1,200 television sets are located here."

Nikol Pashinyan also noted that this is the first attempt to collect household appliances in Armenia, there was no such attempt during the parliamentary years either. He expressed hope that over time, televisions and other household appliances will be produced in Armenia, not with imported devices, but locally produced.

However, in real life, that factory never became active."

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